Good post that I agree with and have picked up on many moons before (regards the shirts) ... WELL NOT THE HOME SHIRTS, but all the away and 3rd kits seemed to have turned into the rainbow flag colours .... the arm bands and taking the knee drive me mad.

Been saying on many a blue sites that there is something going on across ALL SPORTS but predominately football ...

I honestly think this is happening and if you can watch the whole film; listen to the old men / owners explain things = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe1NTpPIyEs

One World Order

One World Government

One World Religion

One World News

One World BS

One World SPORT ... ????

PS You will lose the gun / cannon next and swap it for a bisexual dildo next.

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I never watched Rollerball. I remember all my mates went to see it.

Things change & the 'woke' mentality currently prevailing within my club will go eventually. This awful trend infects all sectors of our society, but it was be let go and or simply defeated.

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I doubt you watched the link or gave thought to my comment.

WATCH THE FILM (hopefully this will work, but shush; you did not get it from me) =

https://putlocker.boo/titles/dG1kYnxtb3ZpZXwxMTQ4NA (FREE TRIAL, email only)


https://gdpr.tubi.tv/ (need a VPN or something; well I do)

LISTEN; the future of contact sport... we have already seen it - "Everyone a winner who plays; no body actually wins" - in schools - in life nw.

Cheers and good luck to you lot tonight as I hate the red shite, more than I hate you lot.

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I did watch the link. I haven't been to the cinema in over 10 years. I worked in TV/film for several years. My last film was 5th Element. I don't watch films or TV anymore.

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