I've read it.

I bought the hard copy.

It's a tiny book.

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When the hell did this society become so sick, or are we just being pushed into thinking it is that sick - by the use of crisis actors and full on paid up, indoctrinated or bribed ... twat celebrities, artists, musicians, athletes, politicians etc etc ?.

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114 pages ???.... talk to you in a year or so. ffss

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You were on UK Column today (Ben and your picture) - start 47:00 mins or so...

Now remember my help for you to grow a pair when you are a millionaire hey Gooner !!. LOL

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I've hit 50 subscribers! I am that famous!

I've been 'famous' on UKC many times before. I used to get excited when they had 500 live views on YouTube.

In all seriousness, it's welcome and great fun. Thank you for your encouragement. It was actually an outrageous piece of artwork they featured; full on vaginal penetration of a woman with a penis no less! Well done Ben Rubin. I think even Mike gave a wry smile.

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Yeah, saw Mike's very subtle wry smile.. 50 subscribers hey ?.... not bad an increase in a few weeks or months.

I still do not fully understand this "Notes" thing on substack, getting there; but it seems to spread the word, so keep that on (if you have the choice).

Not even commenting on the artwork - the tapestry (apart from I think machine shop generated, not human hand - long story, Grandma was real Master class in it etc.) Vile piece of vomit to me.

Soon you will forget about us first responders as you revel in your fame, riches and glory...

Good luck hosting Palace, if we can beat them you lot can !.

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Oh don't worry, once fame, riches and glory arrive, you're all toast!

Mike's a tough cookie. It's satisfying to get a smile out of him.

Palace. Please, no knee taking and just put the ball in the net more than they do.

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LOL, agreed, so have a good weekend.

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