Thank you, but I'm busy decorating! I am well versed in the Nakba. I have no sympathy with Israel.

Noted for another day.

Al Jazeera also host the excellent, The Lobby.

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LOL; very good, but will look at some of the links in the morning.

There can be no more Israel after this, so what do you think they are they up to ?

Maybe hoping other "Western Countries" will divide and resort to violence "Israel vs Palestine" .... err NOPE because it is failing, so they are forcing it and it is still failing.

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SORRY - I mean Zionist scum calling the shots; as I think you will find the ARAB people in general open to having a small but controlled Israel.

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I wonder if this is the beginning of the end of Isn'trael. No one wants them there.

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Just watched a 4 part AJ documentary - recommended but long.

"Al-Nakba: The Palestinian catastrophe - Episode | Featured Documentary (Episodes 1-4 obviously). ON YOUTUBE OF ALL PLACES.

Go to 45:40 of this last part and read the subs = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m__A7MlDrk

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