I struggle with tolerance, patience and appeasement of what I perceive to be utter codswallop. 'The trouble with you is you don't listen to other people's opinions', has often been an accusation.
“As I relay the fireplace I was thankful for solitude and moments in which I did not have to monitor my thoughts or the words that might dangle from the end of my tongue.” Ned, I am utterly grateful for similar times as well!
Keep up the herbal efforts. Not all is read, let along practiced, but the natural, 'homeopathic' path was once trodden by convention till the allopathic invaded and infected us. You are contributing to revitalizing that path of the wise and wonderous.
Have you been on the pop, you Southern softie...?; because until the end 3-4 paragraphs, I had no idea what you were one about... oh wait, maybe it is me that has been on it !!!.
Anyway, get off, cheer up, relax for a day or two; it'll all come good.
PS Tell the truth now. After your years of reading "the news !!!" - and then listening to the twats at say the WEF... ever thought of a "PURGE" (Films) of the useless eaters ?... who seem to be everywhere now.
“As I relay the fireplace I was thankful for solitude and moments in which I did not have to monitor my thoughts or the words that might dangle from the end of my tongue.” Ned, I am utterly grateful for similar times as well!
Greats minds! Modesty aside!!
Keep up the herbal efforts. Not all is read, let along practiced, but the natural, 'homeopathic' path was once trodden by convention till the allopathic invaded and infected us. You are contributing to revitalizing that path of the wise and wonderous.
Have you been on the pop, you Southern softie...?; because until the end 3-4 paragraphs, I had no idea what you were one about... oh wait, maybe it is me that has been on it !!!.
Anyway, get off, cheer up, relax for a day or two; it'll all come good.
PS Tell the truth now. After your years of reading "the news !!!" - and then listening to the twats at say the WEF... ever thought of a "PURGE" (Films) of the useless eaters ?... who seem to be everywhere now.
PPS You gooners have always been full of shite.