I disagree that it's genetic, though I see your reasoning. That just means e.g. eastern €uropeans identify as a generational line of self-identification.
Hitler? I've no idea. Again, I've long been aware of the allegation, but how would I know?
Simply implement common & natural law whatever the creed or colour, but we don't.
Max Blumenthal is one of the few Jews who I can respect... the Grayzone does good work.
Norman Finkelstein too for a very long time.
Others are rare and few but there are.
ISIS = Israeli Serving Idiotic Slaves
The line that Hitler drew must never ever been crossed again!
Dare I ask, what's a Jew?
For me it is one that believes in Judaism; not a genetic nor racial class, but obviously that would be an anti-Semitic stance.
What's a Semite.... and so it goes round and round and round. I've had enough of Israel.
A Jew by their laws is only when your Mother is a Jew.
That makes all Jews a Family which they are by blood so yes it is Genetic.
Then there is the Zionist Mafia... which also is a Mafia.
Then there is Jews that follow the Jewish Indoctrination which is basically anti Human.
Then there are the Idiots with a God complex... aka "The King can do no wrong".
Then there are the poisonists like Monsanto...
then there are the Politicians who cry... Israel uber alles..
Then there are the Brother Murderers.. aka Cananites (Cain & Able) who kill the able...
Then there are the Incetonites (Sara and Abraham were Brother and sister).
Then there is Islam who are also Incetonites coming from Sara and Abraham.
Then there are the Bill Gates and Elon Schmucks...
Then there are the Christians who suck Jesus Dick...
Then there are the Liars and the cheaters.
Basically for me a Jew is anti Human scum.
I do not discriminate...
I hate the lot!
Never forget that Hitler was a Jew!
I disagree that it's genetic, though I see your reasoning. That just means e.g. eastern €uropeans identify as a generational line of self-identification.
Hitler? I've no idea. Again, I've long been aware of the allegation, but how would I know?
Simply implement common & natural law whatever the creed or colour, but we don't.
I have one better...
Simply look at their words and their actions.
If they don't match... shoot them.
If their actions are not beneficial to Humanity shoot them.
If they cry war... shoot them.
If they say we must believe... shoot them.
TRUTH is the only thing that matters.
Is that the George Bernard Shaw school of 'What is your worth to this life?'
No it is Fritz Freud... pure and simple.