Oh Ned, Ned, Ned - stop being so cynical and a conspiracy theorist with comments like "Where's a photo of the damaged ear?". We all know he has a HUGE bandage on his ear now, so you can not see the ear PLUS millions of other brainless morons are now supporting him. Tis must be real life and not the matrix, as the videos show excellent work by the secret service and police AND WE ARE JUST LUCKY TO HAVE TRUMP ALIVE. Sarc

We must now "fight, fight, fight" - gee been saying what they want for years@

To "Build Back Better" - you must do what first ?.


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Jul 17Edited

I don't know what I don't know. When you think it's gotten as surreal as it can, it gets more so.

It is staggering how many are saying 'pity he missed', 'there'll be another try' etc.

It is bizarre how some people just hate Trump more than Clinton or Obama or Biden etc.

P.S. photo added above.

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