Wittingly Or Unwittingly, MPs Lie.
‘There are few things more dishonourable than misleading the young,’ said Thomas Sowell. Two of the liars are the MPs of Thetford and Bury St. Edmunds in East Anglia, England.
Thomas Sowell : www.tsowell.com.
My local MPs mislead the young; they perpetuate lies about ‘climate change’ (of course the climate changes, it’s just not me nor you changing it), covid1984, health, history, biology, chemistry, physics, support DIE (diversity, inclusivity, equity, nonsense), higher taxes and inappropriate sex education for primary school children. Lude and crude artwork? They deserve lude and crude because they lie to children with a smile on their face while pretending to be representing our best interests. They do not.
I produced and donated artworks to Thetford Council c.2009. They included a 152cm x 91.5cm painting Charles Burrell 1817-1906 for the then Charles Burrell School and another 152cm x 91.5cm painting of Thomas Paine 1737-1809 produced in-situ and for Thetford Library. When in 2022 in realised we were having access stopped to purchase what I call proper coal because of the Net Zero carbon climate emergency policy of the government, I began lobbying, in effect writing endless letters to local councillors, ex-school head teachers, county councillors, MPs, the local police and local newspapers to seek revaluation and reconsideration of the climate emergency policy they were all supporting.
I received negligible response. Since I had next to no lobbying power, I decided I could at least make my dissatisfaction known by demanding the return of my artworks. My nearest town is Thetford, but my constituency is Bury St. Edmunds.
South West Norfolk, including Thetford Labour MP:
Terry Jermy seemingly sincerely believes he is supporting the residents of South West Norfolk. I guess the jabbed, the LGBT advocates and those who believe Sir David Attenborough and King Charles’ anthropogenic climate change Agenda2030 fear-porn rhetoric, believe in MP Terry too.
I repeat this yet again: an online petition to challenge sexualisation of children in Norfolk was sent to me months ago:
I quote some of the text:
‘Norfolk’s RSE programme teaches 7-year-old children that they are only born “like a boy”, or “like a girl”, and that they need to choose their gender from options including “boy, girl, and not sure”. 8-year-olds are taught that we live in a “heteronormative” world, but they can be “Pangender", "Transgender", and "Cisgender", amongst others. The term “heterosexual” is not included as an option for sexual preference, giving children, in consequence, the impression that such minority sexual identities are the norm. The resource also uses sexual and age-inappropriate images for teaching young children.’
While there is no climate emergency, there would appear to be a child welfare emergency; the impression is children are being sexually groomed in Suffolk and Norfolk primary schools; indeed, it appears to be part of a nation-wide curriculum. I did ‘o’ level biology including female XX and male XY chromosomes. Genital surgery and pharmaceutical product do not change human sex or gender. I assume my MP Peter Prinsley, as I understand an eye, ear and nose doctor, would corroborate this or else Ixworth and Thurston school curriculum taught me false information.
Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket Labour MP:
West Suffolk County Council have flown the Ukrainian and LGBT flags outside their Bury St. Edmunds HQ, but I haven’t seen a Palestinian flag, have you Peter? I guess the mass slaughter of Palestinians doesn’t quite count. Along with Dr. Luke Evans, Peter advocates ‘good death’ policy.
Evans was the ‘good’ doctor featured alongside my former MP Herr Gruppenführer Midazolam Matt Handycock.
“A good death needs equipment, medication & staff to administer it…”
I wrote to MP Prinsley asking for assistance in contacting MP Jermy for the return of my artworks from Thetford. Prinsley insisted upon my signing a consent form before he’d do anything. I declined. Even Gruppenführer Handycock never insisted upon such a politburo-type palaver.
Local journalists are aware of the local dissident unrest at the policies being supported by local MPs.
Eleanor Storey, EDP Local Democracy Reporter
Police called to rowdy meeting of Thetford Town Council
What on earth is a ‘Local Democracy Reporter’ Eleanor? Another name for presstitute?
I have followed this local Thetford and West Suffolk Councils story and know that local people have politely lobbied councillors for months going on a few years. The councillors just ignore their concerns; like Bolsheviks and Nazis, they just follow orders.
Eventually, I attended a Thetford Council meeting and addressed the mayor and council in person asking for the return of my artworks. I delivered a letter to the mayor there and then via one of three security guards at the meeting. To be clear, I sought the retrieval of my artworks because I wanted to sever association with authorities who lie to children about fundamental science and biology while supporting:
· the non-existent climate emergency aka Agenda 2030 previously Agenda2021
· sexual education within primary schools including masturbation, gender ‘transition’ and anal sex
· support for the Azov Battalion and Banderite Nazis in Ukraine as part of NATO’s proxy war while seeking regime change in Russia
· support the day-in day-out slaughter of Palestinians
· the enabled unmitigated invasion of the UK by illegal mass immigration
I received a call from the Thetford Town Clerk the following morning and now have my artworks. The rainbow colours were inspired by my Istanbul Bosphorus Rainbow Bridge project when the 7 colour rainbow was a peace symbol.
Today the 6 colour rainbow is an anal sex symbol, so I whitened out the background to Charles Burrell. The Thomas Paine background is too complicated, so it remains as is.
I called and spoke at length to a journalist who writes for both the Bury Free Press and Diss Express called Kevin Hurst : kevin.hurst@iliffepublishing.co.uk. He was apparently uninterested in my story.
To highlight my dissatisfaction with the Lib-Lab-Green-Con government, I offer the example of abuse survivor Samantha Smith who has recently published on Twitter X:
‘If you want to know how Labour-led areas treat abuse survivors, here’s a (brief) insight into my story:
One of my earliest memories is sitting on his lap in the garden, and a hand going into my underwear. I was five….’
Read the rest here:
Regarding the weight-loss drugs referenced in my crude and lude artwork, Canadian doctor Paul Alexander has just published:
Ozempic, Wegovy, Semaglutide, Mounjaro...be WARNED
This is Sir Kueer Stalin’s England where rapists go free while Englishman protesting the rape gangs die in prison. RIP Peter Lynch.
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.