Which Came First, Oil Or The Egg?
I guess oil came first. But, aren't fossil fuels made of fossils? I guess not.
Dinosaur fuel! Organisms, creatures, living animals, lived, died, were composited within the earth’s crust and eventually transformed into coal, gas and oil. Isn’t that the story, the ‘science’, the geology, the fundamental explanation for the formulation of oil?
Today we must cease using hydro-carbons because it involves the release of carbon dioxide which in turn drives climate change which is creating global warming, increased water levels and a reduction in ice and polar bear populations. Isn’t that how it’s taught to children in schools throughout the collective West? Are ‘we’ lying to ourselves and our children? I’m not; I deem it bollox.
John Clauser is a 2022 Physics Nobel Prize Winner. Apparently, he says:
“I can very confidently assert, there is NO climate emergency.”
He continues:
“As much as it may upset many people, my message is the planet is NOT in peril… atmospheric CO2 and methane have negligible effect on the climate. The policies government have been implementing are total unnecessary and should be eliminated. So far, ‘we’ have totally misidentified what is the dominant process in controlling the climate and all of the various models are based on incomplete and incorrect physics. The dominant process, is the cloud-sunlight-reflexivity thermostat mechanism. Clouds are all bright white and they reflect 90% of the sunlight back into space making them the most crucial yet most overlooked aspect of the climate system. Two-thirds of the Earth are ocean. The Pacific Ocean alone is half the Earth. The average cloud cover for the Earth is 67%; about 50% over land and 75% over oceans. I claim that the above conspicuous properties of clouds are the missing part of the puzzle. I can very confidently assert, there is no climate emergency.”
This is Göbeklitepe Study 33 c.2015
Göbeklitepe is a megalithic site in south-eastern Türkiye.
NPP : 08566-23102015
Original : 100cm x 62cm, acrylic on canvas
Current Status : For Sale £20,000
Which Came First - Oil Or The Egg?
My notes from 2015 at the time of painting.
The Noah story and Göbeklitepe
There was allegedly a Great Flood or catastrophe which affected human life on earth, but which came first? The Ark or Göbeklitepe? The fossil or the fuel? Oil or the egg?
Why are fossil fuels called fossil fuels? Anything to do with an 1892 conference on organic substances whereby J.D. Rockefeller sent his 'scientists' to ensure oil's components, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, defined it officially as qualifying as an organic substance?
Science or magic and deception?! If oil is produced from dinosaurs, we must assume the egg came before oil... must we not? What is time? Are there different time lines? Do we perceive different time lines? A similar flood and or catastrophe story is told from different parts of the world... the Sumerian tablets tell of a huge ship built to avoid the coming flood and to take aboard 'beast and birds'; a 'Noah' character and story is replicated:
Deucalion - Greece
Manu - India
Fo-Hi - China
Xisthros - Persia
Nota - Mexico
Utnapishtim - Mesopotamia...
Did a global cataclysm (including flood) wipe out human life and perhaps Atlantis and Lemuria (Mu). This catastrophic account can be found in Egypt, Assyria and Chaldea (Mesopotamia), Greece, Arcadia, Rome, Scandinavia, Germany, Lithuania, Transylvania, Turkey, Persia, China, New Zealand, Siberia, Burma, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Sumatra, in Islamic and Celtic lore and among native peoples throughout North South and Central America, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific continent.
Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) suggested the Darwin theory of evolution is unlikely and, therefore, life must be the product of purposeful intelligence. Today, conventional wisdom tends to keep investigation of human derivation caught between the parameters of Adam's Rib and Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Let's widen the investigation of possibility...
Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty: The Origin of Fossil Fuel & Peak Oil
Who knows? One thing I am sure about, there is NO anthropogenic induced climate emergency, indeed, no climate emergency. There is political ideology and children are being lied to.
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.
When I was a kid we regularly had bonfires. Today, I rarely see nor smell them.