Viruses Do Not Pandemic
David Rasnick says there’s no evidence for a viral disease. Biologist JJ Couey is exploring and sharing his knowledge of synthetic and natural biology.
Viruses peak and disappear; it’s nothing to do with vaccines. There is NO evidence for viral diseases. There’s no evidence that a vaccine has ever prevented the spread of a viral disease. There’s no evidence for a viral disease. If viruses exist or not, who cares if they don’t cause disease?!
Gigaohm Biological
JJ Couey with chemist David Rasnick PhD live 28 June 2024
17 mins
David Rasnick was a friend of Kary Mullis who died August 2019
Critics of Anthony Fauci included…
Peter Duesberg:
Luc Montagnier:
Frank Plummer:
Dutch AIDS experts killed:
The shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was a blow to the global fight against Aids. Among its 298 innocent crew and passengers were at least six prominent experts on the disease.
22 mins
1984 press conference, Robert Gallo announced AIDS was contagious, sexually transmitted, started in Africa… this led to the story.
24 mins
AIDS had nothing to do with contagion
25 mins
Every war there is a ‘plague’, a ‘disruption’ whereby people get sick, whooping cough, polio, almost totally disappeared post WWII, before the vaccines.
The natural decline of polio stopped with the roll-out of the vaccine.
27 mins
No confidence that there is such a thing as a viral disease. There are exosomes that look like viruses.
Viruses peak and disappear. Nothing to do with vaccines. There is NO evidence for viral diseases.
28 mins
There’s no evidence that a vaccine has ever prevented the spread of a viral disease.
There’s no evidence for a viral disease. If viruses exist or not, who cares if they don’t cause disease?!
32 mins
There’s no evidence for HIV
33 mins
It’s all technology, no biology
42 mins
There’s no way a virus or exosome with so few genes, is going to reek havoc on people.
51 mins
60% of FDA’s pay comes from the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA are considered a ‘virtual drug company’.
52 mins
They know that gene mutations do not cause cancer. Science in general is probably corrupt to its core.
I don’t think ivermectin cures cancer. From what I know about cancer, there is no molecule that will stop it.
Should we be thinking about it as this umbrella term cancer or are we really talking about a wide variety of cellular disfunction?
Celia Farber article March 2006 issue of Harper's Magazine: ‘Out of Control: AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science.’
57 mins
I didn’t discover the true cause of cancer; this was done by David Hansemann (1858-1920) and Theodor Boveri (1862-1915)
Hansemann, Boveri, chromosomes and the gametogenesis-related theories of tumours
Theodor Boveri book 1914, chromosomal imbalance
Peter Duesberg and I proved Boveri was right
Cancer is NOT gene mutation
A gain of chromosomes is more survivable than a loss of chromosomes
An imbalance of chromosomes is almost always dangerous for a cell
1 hour 4 mins
Out of Kilter by David Rasnick 2009
Build Back Better involves destruction and chaos; ‘we haven’t seen anything yet I’m afraid’
1 hour 8 mins
This covid crap has led to a weird sort of renaissance… don’t trust people who aren’t curious, who don’t ask questions, who don’t laugh.
It’s OK for individuals to have secrets, but no secrets in government
JJ Couey’s Red Pill presentation
Edit 26.07.2024
A comment informed me Twitch videos disappear after a time period.
Older videos of JJ Couey back to Oct 2023
Even older videos archived:
Gigaohm Biological
A useful reference…
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
By: Suzanne Humphries MD , Roman Bystrianyk
Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?
Despite all of the above, Bill Gates continues to push the polio vaccine
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.
Really appreciate that Jonathan J. Couey Redpill presentation over at twitch. Thank you.
I highly recommend the book What Really Makes You Ill: why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong, by Dawn Lester and David Parker. Really helped me to understand Terrain Theory.