Trade Not War
Should England leave the United Kingdom? Who are the British? Who are the English? While BRICS engage trade, the British and collective West seem hell bent on endless war.
I do not offer absolute answers, but do enjoy day dreaming. The world seems to be divided between the uniparty rules based global order and the emerging and growing multipolar world. The sanctions imposed upon Russia appear to have back fired as Putin has nurtured trade relations outside the limitations of the collective West. It’s sorely tempting to consider leaving the neocon dominated war mongering collective West and join the environment of trade and constructive relations. I guess it’s unrealistic, but it’s fun to contemplate.
We have a ZOG and ZOM problem throughout the collective West:
Zionist Occupied Government
Zionist Occupied Media
Zionists appear to be a common thread infesting collective West policy. The Israelis were authoritarian upon their population in coercing their own to submit to the covid1984 jab. Now they bomb indiscriminately Palestinians seemingly to remove Palestine completely while pleading their right to self-defense. These critters frequently project their own misgivings upon their intended target.
This discussion between Ryan Dawson, a long time supporter of Palestine and critic of Zionist Israel and Dr. Shiva was akin to a breath of fresh air to my ears. Shiva does not hold back and the language is fruity as he refers to ‘Booby’ Kennedy and plainly states, ‘They all suck Zionist cock; you don’t have to be Jewish to be Zionist..’
Dr. Shiva On The Presidential Election
This follows Dr. Shiva’s Xeet;
“Every Presidential candidate except me sucks ZIONIST COCK. That may not sound very ‘Presidential,’ but it’s VERY Presidential because I represent the American WORKER who does NOT want us to be ‘cockZuckers’ of ZIONISM”
Wow. The likes of Benocide Shapiro, Jordan Peterstein and Nigel Farage will get their Zionist knickers in a twist and yell ‘antisemolinism’ as soon as they hear of this. I have a feeling Dr. Shiva really doesn’t care what The Lobby thinks. I do sense the accusation of antisemolinaism is losing its grip as a method of reining in critics. The Israelis are bombing Palestine into oblivion and the collective West appear little concerned.
An independent England is proposed by TED, and Graham Moore who goes by the moniker Daddy Dragon.
Is there a British constitution? UK Column News’ Alex Thomson talks to Graham Moore…
That conversation seems to have been driven by UK Column’s series:
A Dissident's Guide to the Constitution
I again reference:
How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews)
It’s merely food for thought. Was Lord Balfour of the Balfour Declaration really vehemently ant-Semitic? If so, what were the motivations in creating the State of Israel?
Do not lose hope. The neocons do over play their hand. While they targeted Russia, Russia and the majority of the world outside the collective West continued to attend to trade and business.
’BRICS is an informal group of states comprising the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa.
It was the Russian side that initiated the creation of BRICS.’
For Saudi Arabia and Iran to make alignment is extraordinary, yet, of course, little discussed on the BBC.
So, what if TED left the UK and collaborated with BRICS?
Chins up! Onward and up.