The Real Semites
Oh yes they are. Oh no they're not. Oh yes... pantomime season in UK clown world continuum is here and the accusation of prejudice reigns supreme as ever by those who frequently prove to be prejudice.
From the Holy Book of Nedism it is absolutely made clear, set in stone and indubitably the case that these are the original Semites and if you say otherwise you risk being antisemolinaic which is etymologically the proper term for semolina being correctly mistaken for semitica. As is known throughout the universe of truth, semolina is traditionally the favourite cuisine of the Semitic peoples and there is a ‘u’ in favourite though the US empire’s spellcheck misinformation ministry incorrectly insists there is not.
Of course they looked like that.
Oh no they didn’t!
Oh yes they did!
Oh no they didn’t…. for those unaccustomed to our culture, this is called pantomime in England, traditional at Xmas where a girl dresses up as the hero boy and a man dresses up as the goody grandmother; way before cultural Marxist LBGTxyz codswallop. We also shout out ‘Behind you! It’s behind you!’… when the baddy is approaching the victim etc. I guess you have to experience our eccentricities to better understand them.
Indeed, not only are these the authentic and true Semites, but the Holy Book of Nedism, written in invisible ink only visible to initiates, clearly describes the property at the end of The Mall in London as belonging to the initiates of Nedism and we claim the right of return, thank you very much.
Phucker Carlson, as Dr. Vandana Shiva rather tersely refers to him, has just interviewed Melon Head Jones who still denies a plane flew into the Pentagon on 9/11; despite the fact they collected the DNA of every passenger except a baby and the plane carried particular personal that provide evidence back to the perpetrators. The perpetrators love the on-going missile story. I digress. Jones is not the most censored voice. I propose one Ryan Dawson has been more censored. Ryan says on the semolina question, and do excuse the imperfect grammar and punctuation…
‘You can say it is the wrong religion or wrong interpretation of a religion but you cant deny they got these ideas from a religion because historically and scientifically these people are not Hebrew, and Hebrews dont and never did own that land anyway, and even IF they were there first which they were not, God is not a real estate agent.’
This deranged creature is not a Semite.
‘Investigating israeli evidence-based war crimes is antisemitic’, says Nutty Nuttyahoo…
Scott Horton lays out the creature’s doctrine:
This is not a Semite.
Nor is this.
Nor these.
Not even these.
Certainly not these.
I used to think the term ’Judeo-Nazis’ was excessive. I don’t any longer.
Merriam Webster may be correct on many aspects, but could improve their accuracy by reading the Holy Book of Nedism; once they have of course learned to read the invisible holy script.
The Semite
Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews and Arabs…
I jest, but the accusation of -isms and -ists is tedious. If you dare question anything to do with Zionism or Israel, you risk the antisemitism label. Palestine has been there at least back to 333 B.C. when Alexander the Great went there. If Palestinians are Semites… why not just use the term anti-Jewish?
Random link:
‘To Alexander, Palestine was, as to many before him, a corridor leading to Egypt, the outlying Persian province.’
Here are further interesting thoughts on Palestine, though at the beginning one gentleman appears to confuse the Welsh flag for an Irish flag when analysing the present day Union Jack.
Breaking History Ep. 21: Understanding the Palestinian Exploration Fund and British Intelligence Ops
P.S. Edit 10.12.2023
Israel, Israelites, Jews, and God’s chosen people
The Complete List Of The 1030 Jewish Expulsions In Human History
Deborah Maccoby Tutors Bar Mitzvah Boy Benny Shapiro on Jewish History
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.
Think I will have to read that again tomorrow.. because I am not sure of your facts nor where you are going with this overall.
Plus we have climate warming going on here and the ruddy OPEN windows (in Winter by wife and daughter) slamming woke me up.