The New Spartacus: I'm Racist, Misogynistic & Bigoted!
The accusations being levied at the unwanted are becoming ridiculous. The prejudice are invariably those who accuse others of being prejudice.
The unbias, objective, fairest, most reliable and accurate news platform in the entire universe, the BBC, report,
‘A Reform UK candidate has suspended her campaign and defected to the Conservatives because the “vast majority” of her fellow candidates are “racist, misogynistic and bigoted”.
Second candidate defects from Reform UK to Tories
They love it! Are you politically correct or are you far-right? The BBC and establishment class love to project their own prejudice upon others.
Tuesday 02 July 2024, BBC Radio 4 Today, presenter Dick Dobbyson aka Nick Robinson, asked Reform’s Richard Tice about TV Channel 4 secretly filming ‘longtime party activist’ George Jones, making homophobic comments, calling the Pride flag ‘degenerate’ and LGBT people ‘nonces’.
I’m usually in the bathroom when I catch up with the inane BBC Today ‘flagship’ news programme. I listened to BBC’s Dobby basically accusing Tice and Reform of thought crime and wrong think and thought yes, the Pride flag does represent degeneracy and the LGBT movement does comprise of ‘nonces’. Poor Tice isn’t really equipped to properly hold his own, but none the less, how many others up and down the land might have thought the same as I: oh, give it a rest BBC!
The politicisation of sexuality is ridiculous. We have the police posing with drag queens and adults dressed in bondage fetish gear, but try calling them out when crime has been committed. There is no ‘Bobby on the beat’. We are literally indoctrinating children that sodomy and gender ambiguity are the norm. We have masturbation lessons in primary schools. We are telling little girls and boys that genital surgery and pharmaceutical products can change them into the opposite sex. Yes, this is degeneracy led by nonces. It is cultural Marxism.
The race card is being played anytime the unwanted are perceived as becoming popular. While the legacy media and political establishment warn us of the far-right, they support Nazi ideologues in Ukraine. It’s hypocritical madness.
A Spartacus moment came to mind. The label ‘racist’ is so over-played, it’s getting to the point where so many of us are deemed as such, we may as well embrace it as a slur of honour. It’s if we are being told we can all be absolved from accusation if we identify and reject any leaders of racism, misogyny and bigotry.
Who’s racist?
I’m racist. I’m racist. I’m racist. I’m Spartacus!
Another term that is ridiculously over-used is the accusation of anti-semitism, the accusation used to oust Jeremy Corbyn and insert Sir Kueer Starmerer as Labour leader. Yes, I know, I should be spelling it with a capital ‘S’. The irony is Zionist Israelis are rarely authentic Semites while the Palestinians are. I’m inclined to enjoy the term anti-trans-semitism as being more accurate. The bottom line is, racist, misogynistic, bigoted and anti-semitic accusations are becoming so over used to the point of being redundant.
That Spartacus Moment
Even Elon Musk is enjoying being ‘far-right’ as he appreciates Dominic Frisby’s
We're All Far Right Now
Meanwhile, on-going in Gaza…
Running Amok - the IOF inhumanity on display in Gaza
by Vanessa Beeley.
UK Election 2024 tomorrow. God, I’d love it if WEF Davos boy (or is he a girl?) Sir Kueer Starmerer fails to do as well as is being suggested is inevitable.
Labour Implosion: 72 Islington Committee Members Resign to Back Expelled Former Leader Jeremy Corbyn
There’s nout as queer as folk… exhibit Sir Kueer Woodentop Starmerer.
Oh Dobby. Here it is, my original from 2018; that illustrious BBC ‘Palestinian’ presenter from the Today programme.
#St opStarmer
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.