The Cambridge Carbon Cult
I made a sketch inspired by Dame Emma, saw a Substack by UK Column's Ben Rubin and then produced a coloured version. To be brutal, why do Oxbridge graduates have a propensity to be apparently stupid?
Emma Thompson is well educated. I read she studied Latin, sadly an increasing rarity. There is NO climate emergency, but she insists there is. Carbon cultist Tony Bliar is ex-Oxbridge and went to onto lie, advocate and justify foreign entanglement, torture and murder. Stephen Fry is ex-Oxbridge, another carbon cultist, considered by many a super brain able to regurgitate the Oxford English Dictionary, yet equally conduct himself like a prat; including visiting Zelensky in Kiev. They are all, wittingly or unwittingly, lying to children.
Ben’s Substack posts…
Has Cambridge University been captured by Global interests?
It's London Climate Action Week...!
But who's behind the event and whose interests do they represent..?
It was Emma Thompson’s virtue signalling that inspired a solar panel, wind turbine powered private jet.
‘Actress Dame Emma Thompson is on a march in London calling on the next government to do more to support biodiversity in the UK’
Sustainability and biodiversity are words hijacked and weaponised by Agenda2030.
Actress is pictured dining on champagne and beef in £18,000 personal booth on carbon-spewing BA plane jetting to New York days after lecturing us all to stop flying
My original scribble…
I give the last words to Andrew Lawrence.
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.