Tel Aviv Tommy's Not My Folly
ZOG : Zionist Occupied Government, here, there, sometimes it seems everybloodywhere. How does Pied Piper Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka Tommy Robinson generate so many to gather in central London? Money?
Little foul mouthed thug Tommy is funded by Zionist coffers and does not represent me or my country.
Thousands Of Supporters And Opponents Of Far-Right Figure Tommy Robinson Protest In London
Thousands gather in support of Tommy Robinson and for counter-demonstration
For those not familiar with the term ‘folly’…
Lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight.
An act of folly
An act or instance of foolishness.
Regretted the follies of his youth.
A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome.
The likes of Talmud Tousi, Douglas Moron Murray and Baron Toby ‘Free Speech’ my arse Young of Acton can all go jump. Even the often hilarious Katie Hopkins, no thank you. For some reason they all hold allegiance with Israel. What does an artificial entity in the Middle East have to do with me and why is their lobby so prevalent within the governance of my country? The likes of Tommy complain of illegal immigration, yet The Lobby helps enable it:
HIAS USA Is Open. Vote Biden!
Tommy appears to be anti-Muslim immigration, but welcomes e.g. Hindus. I’m clear and straight forward, no illegal immigration, full stop. Let’s put the English Navy in the English Channel and send all boats back to €U France for Ms. Macron to manage. Let’s cease our persistent involvement in war, often at the bequest of Israeli interests, cease disrupting foreign nation states and cease displacing foreign nationals who frequently leave their homelands to come to ours. Is it often the influence of the British?
How The British Invented Communism
I regularly use a comment I heard by Alex Krainer: ‘We’re past the beginning of the end of Israel. I don’t think they’ll survive this. History will never forgive them this. What has been done to the Palestinian people will not be able to be white washed.’
‘At the Tommy Robinson Rally someone did manage to sneak in a placard that was 100% correct!’
From Twitter X
Tommy Robinson groupies singing ‘Rule Britannia’ whilst standing behind a desecrated Union Flag, cut through the Christian Cross, stitched to an ‘Israel’ flag featuring an undamaged Star of David, the Antichrist symbol.
“Britons never shall be slaves”…
Oh the sickening irony.
The Union Jack
This was Unity News Network’s post-rally show:
'Patriots' in charge, but for what country?
From Unity News Network 05 January 2025
113 mins: ‘I have developed an antipathy for Mr. Robinson and the interests that Tommy represents…. Tommy Robinson is paid for by Jewish Zionist interests. They are the most ethno-centric group in the world… they will speak your language to further their agenda’
1 hr 32 mins: ‘Why are these populists all around the world so beholden to a Middle Eastern state? Who’s a ‘good goy’ and who’s a ‘bad goy’?
e.g. Reform UK’s Rupert Lowe
‘Fantastic news to finish the year. I've been in contact with the Israeli competitors who were banned from attending the bowls championship in my constituency following a concerted hate campaign from the pro-Palestine mob….’
Rupert is GAFI; he Grabs Ankles For Israel.
I believe I saw an image of Conservative Woman Editor Kathy Gyngell speaking at the Tommy Robinson rally. I view her as a pretend Conservative. She doesn’t like me.
I suppose this post risks my being called an anti-Semite. Aren’t the Palestinians the true Semites? This name label calling has become so boring.
The weekend rally was partly about protesting the Pakistani rape gangs, which of course should be addressed. Rather than Tommy & co., I recommend this:
UK Column Ben Rubin interview with Raja Miah MBE
Systemic Abuse: The Truth About Asian Grooming Gangs
My proposed solutions:
David Kurten offers a short summary.
Poor Palestine. Will it survibe?
The Comfortable Moderate
This is Israel.
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
‘There are few things more dishonourable than misleading the young.’
Thomas Sowell
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.
Good stuff Ned, plus fantastic win for you lot; oh aye ... keep the articles coming. Cheers.
Ned, I think it's weird (or should that be convenient) how these state actors are always put into solitary confinement.