Offensive Audio Phonetics
Is bollox a bad word? It caused me to ponder how offended people can decide to be upon hearing the audio phonetic sound of another.
It started with Alex asking, ‘ … is bollocks a bad word?’
Is it bollocks, bollox, bolix or another spelling? Trump apparently offends many with his audio phonetics.
Sounds only offend if you can understand and interpret them, no? Imagine if you read Shakespeare to a non-English speaking Chinese person; the entire experience meaning, interpretation, history and cultural background would be irrelevant and visa-versa of a Chinese person reading Chinese cultural literature to me.
16 mins 20 seconds in…
‘What a bunch of bollocks… is bollocks a bad word?’
Due to the Pakistani rape gang scandal in England, this new word came my way:
Apparently it means: ‘a White or fair-skinned female’
Apparently, this word is used as a term of denigration by Pakistani rapists toward their English ‘white’ girl victims.
From Starmer, The Ideal Uniparty UK PM...
I quote:
Yid is short for Yiddish just as Paki is an abbreviation for Pakistani or Brit for British. At least two of these words have become weaponised and as geo-political commentator Maajid Nawaz and his ‘brother’ Osman stated, say Paki and, ‘It’s akin to the N-word, you know what I mean, so if you want me restructuring your face, just come and say that…’
I use Paki because it’s short for Pakistani just as Brit is short for British. Should I be offended by ‘cracker’? Apparently, it’s a derogatory term for white person. Nonsense, isn’t it?
In Istanbul I painted The Rude Word Painting. Neither my house cleaner nor my apartment block doorman understood English and viewed my painting as just a colourful ‘abstract’ artwork.
If you could read other’s minds, where would that leave privacy? I listened to Elon Musk talk to Mark Penn about AI, robotics, doctors, Neuralink etc…
I do not want a chip in my brain nor under my skin, thank you.
This is the kind of robot we might welcome; one that cleans our waters…
One of the ‘scariest’ words our politicians fear is anti-Semite. This morning I came upon Ian Carroll responding to Elon Musk:
That AIPAC purchased the seats of about 90% or more of our current congress. JFK famously wanted them registered as a foreign agent right before he was shot and thus they changed their name and never registered. Why are we letting a foreign lobby buy off our congress?
Read the rest here:
I felt like typing, wow! So, I did. Ian Carroll has 'schooled' Elon Musk on AIPAC on Twitter X.
Ian’s video version:
He even name checked Ryan Dawson and NUMEC
Ian Carroll also referenced this, which I’ve not watched at the time of typing:
The Occupation of The American Mind: The Propaganda of Israel vs Palestine - Documentary
While we worry about audio phonetics, Pakistani rape gangs may still be operating in England. ‘Talmud Tousi’ and ‘Tel Aviv Tommy’ are attracting followers by highlighting the scandal. Tousi has interviewed this chap:
Avid Zionists Tousi and Tommy are muddying the waters. While we rightly condemn the UK governments covering up present and past child abuse, including that partaken in by white English persons including political leaders, this is a tool of torture in Israel.
Edit: Just after publishing this, I came across:
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.