Oct. 7th. Lying BBC Or Just Lazy?
Hamas is a terrorist organisation, Israel has the right to defend itself using mass slaughter, Trump dons a kippah and Sir Kueer attends his local synagogue. Is it America and England First, or not?
07 October, the worst assault on the Jewish people since the holy cause. Those thousands of people indigenous to the land of Palestine, murdered and displaced before and since are a mere detail by comparison. That’s the message I hear.
BBC Pravda. England has turned Soviet while Russia is engaging much of the world with trade and peaceful relations. I’ve been accused of ‘believing Putin’s propaganda’, a couple of times of late. Where should I go for my news and information? CNN? Fox? Marijuanna ‘why do they hate me’ Spring and BBC verify?
07 Oct. 2023. Hamas committed rape, beheaded babies and murdered 1,200 peace loving Israeli party goers. No mention of Apache helicopters or tanks. Did Haaretz publish a make-believe story? You must be a subscriber for full article access, but the headline reads…
IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive
‘There was crazy hysteria, and decisions started being made without verified information': Documents and testimonies obtained by Haaretz reveal the Hannibal operational order, which directs the use of force to prevent soldiers being taken into captivity, was employed at three army facilities infiltrated by Hamas, potentially endangering civilians as well’
Over the last couple of days I’ve caught snippets from the bathroom radio by Justin Webb aka Dustbin Plebb on the BBC Radio 4 Today progrmme. Was he merely repeating lazy rhetoric or does he know better? Sadly, a certain narrative was pushed by Deborah Lipstadt who was funded by Jeffrey Epstein’s partner Les Wexner and it has long been taboo to question any Israeli narrative for risk of being anti-Semitic; despite Palestinians being more Semitic than those who came from eastern €urope, Brooklyn and New York; but of course, suggesting so is ant-Semitic. Zzzzzzz, it’s boring.
Hamas created all that carnage, including burnt out cars, with machine guns and grenade launchers, didn’t they? I wonder if the purpose of the attack by Hamas was to capture Israeli hostages to exchange them for thousands of already incarcerated Palestinians. I wonder if Hamas even knew there was a party underway. I assume they did. Obviously, this too is all anti-Semitic wondering.
Dustbin Plebb, BBC R4 Today Friday 05 October 2024
Only accessible with a BBC license, hence I’ve transcribed his words.
1 hr 10 minutes in…
‘A year ago this weekend Hamas broke out of the Gaza strip…. they managed to slaughter 1200 people… videos of naked and bloodied women filmed by Hamas…. photographs suggest that women suffered particularly brutal treatment. A year later Israel’s response is still on-going. More than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed.’
Dustbin Plebb used the word slaughter. Today we have what many refer to as a ‘genocide’, but the BBC won’t use such a word. Cue to their international editor and veteran ‘Palestinian’ (nod nod, wink wink) Jeremy Bowen to look back on a terrible year.
Bowen: Year of killing and broken assumptions has taken Middle East to edge of deeper, wider war
Monday 07 October 2024, Dustbin Plebb the BBC Pravda presstitute almost repeated his words verbatim.
2 hrs 10mins
‘Some of the violence perpetrated, particularly against women and girls by Hamas a year ago, marks out that day as one of cruellest in humanity’s long list of terrible days and terrible deeds….’
… and so he goes on, as if the mass slaughter since by Israel is a mere side effect of Hamas’ terrible terrorist actions. Never mind the 200+ Palestinians killed by Israel in 2023 pre-07 October or the ongoing murder and displacement of Palestinians for 75 years. It was then, cue their international editor and veteran ‘Palestinian’ (nod nod, wink wink) Jeremy Bowen yet again. Why do I have presstitute Bowen laying on the ground?
BBC News' Jeremy Bowen reports bravely from Ukraine as heavy shelling goes on around him
Image shared on social media doesn’t show BBC journalist pretending to be on the frontline of war in Ukraine
No, BBC journalist Jeremy Bowen did not ‘stage’ a Ukraine report
Fact check: False claim BBC reporter pretended to be on front line of war in Ukraine
This malicious tweet and others like it allege that I faked a piece to camera in Ukraine in March. The allegations are utterly false, #fakenews. Insult me if you want. Don’t insult thousands of civilians fleeing over Irpin bridge into Kyiv from Russian shelling and war crimes.
That’s solved then. Jeremy Bowen was most definitely not over-dramatising the situation.
I had intended to publish this Substack post on 07 Oct., but forced myself to watch this and it delayed my plans. Unless you have a BBC license, you can’t access, so I’ve made a few notes below.
Surviving October 7th. We Will Dance Again
The opening credit reads: Storyville.
Next: This film cannot tell everyone’s story.
I bet!
Will there be any mention of Apache helicopters?
4 mins…
3,000 people went to dance for peace and love…
… next door to the Palestinian enclosed ‘prison’ camp?
8 mins…
They can see the fence separating them from Gaza.
So, that close.
11 mins…
They’re taking XTC; the drug ecstasy.
I notice many of the Israeli ‘survivors’ have piercings. What is this fad with nose rings? Why would you want metal in your nose, ear, eyebrow or wherever? I just don’t get it. C’est la vie.
1hr 14 mins
There’s a scene of a car with it’s side crushed. How? A grenade? A machine gun?
1hr 17 mins…
Burnt cars. Machine guns and grenades?
1 hr 18 mins…
Charred cars
1hr 22 mins
3,500 party goers. 364 killed. 44 hostages.
1hr 27 mins
253 hostages. More than 1,200 killed.
I can well imagine those who watched this BBC 2 film would have been left feeling shocked at the terrible attack by Hamas and no indication that there was any Israeli involvement as being proposed by Haaretz.
Make sure you avoid the word genocide!
Does the BBC give explicit orders to staff to protect the image of Israel?
Let’s consider alternative narrative, which presumably would be labelled as misinformation by BBC Verify’s Marijuanna Spring.
A break down of Israel's lies on Oct 7th
October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles
My previous posts.
They Did It Themselves
Boeing's Apache Sustainable Life Cycle Solution
For alternative narrative to the BBC, this is Ryan Dawson talking to Scott Ritter:
Scott Ritter On Middle East Tensions & War
Ask The Inspector No: 200
Scott Ritter Talks To Prof. Seyed Marandi
Just to really irritate the ADL & co, at 1 hr 1 min, David Irving is asked about Scott Ritter…
David Irving: The Faking Of Adolf Hitler For History
Ryan Dawson on Israeli loss in Lebanon
George Galloway Interviews Professor Seyed Marandi On Middle East War
Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells The Destruction Of Gaza Watch
MaxBlumenthal's new documentary takedown of the media deceptions and hoaxes Israel pushed to manufacture consent for its genocidal assault on Gaza
A reminder of how we arrived at the present day.
A different tack and for my own amusement, Ryan Dawson bemoans Witney Webb has pinched his research without acknowledgement or credit. At about 44 mins…
JJ Couey questions Witney Webb
I caught this yesterday while in the kitchen. She gets paid for this crap. I’ll sign off with a tribute to the BBC and their intrepid reporter Marijuanna Spring.
Marianna in Conspiracyland
Why Do You Hate Me? USA
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.
It’s lies and more lies first, otherwise watch out.