NHS Trans-Human Evolution
You thought women had a monopoly on child birth? Hey, get with the programme! This is clown world continuum where the womb is to be redundant.
Herr Gruppenführer #Midazolam Matt Handycock, the ex UK Health Munster who presided over the policy of euthanasia in care homes during covid1984, “A good death needs equipment, medication & staff to administer it…”, told us some years ago that the future of health care is AI and a mobile phone app. The NHS wears the LGBT motif proudly in an age where conventional sexual procreation and subsequent child birth are considered too restrictive, too limiting, not adequately diverse enough to meet today’s challenges of inter-changeable sexual identity and the freedom of men to be pregnant and give birth.
It’s not just the NHS.
‘This year marks the 10th anniversary of GayGooners, the largest LGBTQ+ supporters group in British football. As the first of its kind, the group has spent the past decade following Arsenal and providing a sense of belonging for LGBTQ+ supporters and allies alike.’
What utter tosh.
What on earth does sexual identity and inclination have to do with Arsenal FC or the NHS who both promote LGBTxyzQ etc? It is political messaging when their business should be football and health.
This mindset, one I tend to refer to as cultural Marxism, but insane psychopathy might just as well apply, infects our Government Of Occupation which implements a directive for primary school children to have sexual education. As an example, I was told last week by a father that his 5 year old daughter came home and called him ‘Uncle Peter’. When he asked her further, she corrected herself to mean ‘Uncle Penis’. I’ll type that again: she’s five. Yes, that’s 5.
An online petition to challenge sexualisation of children in Norfolk was sent to me:
‘Norfolk’s RSE programme teaches 7-year-old children that they are only born “like a boy”, or “like a girl”, and that they need to choose their gender from options including “boy, girl, and not sure”. 8-year-olds are taught that we live in a “heteronormative” world, but they can be “Pangender", "Transgender", and "Cisgender", amongst others. The term “heterosexual” is not included as an option for sexual preference, giving children, in consequence, the impression that such minority sexual identities are the norm. The resource also uses sexual and age-inappropriate images for teaching young children.’
Councillors up and down the country are well paid to follow orders including the roll-out of non-existent climate emergency policy and the implementation of sex education for toddlers. For example…
‘Suffolk County Council's chief executive, Nicola Beach, earned £225,193 in total, while her counterpart at East Suffolk Council, Stephen Baker, made £206,807.
Ten officials at East Suffolk Council took home over £100,000, with twelve staff members at Suffolk County Council also fitting into this category.
West Suffolk Council's chief executive, Ian Gallin, has a listed income of £193,333.’
False ideology and indoctrination permeates our local councils.
As a out of the blue contrast to the above diabolical attitude to health and well-being, this is a conversation between JJ Couey and Scott Schara, ‘Grace’s Dad’ to provide a spot of empathy, thoughtfulness and nourishment for the soul:
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.