Is Sir Kueer Compromised?
The clown world political pantomime: I am not! Oh yes you are! Oh no I'm not! Are! Am not! Are you sure you're not just a tiny bit? Is Kueer compromised?
'There are few things more dishonourable than misleading the young.'
Thomas Sowell
They are lying about the non-existent climate emergency. They are lying about basic biology insisting that there are more than 2 genders and that male can change to female and visa versa. They lie about the realities of Ukraine. They lie for Israel. They lied about covid1984. They lie. Why do they lie? Bought? Paid for? Compromised?
Who cares what Sir Kueer Stalin gets up to behind closed doors? Does he have a special relationship with, for example, Lord Ali? We do know he supports mass-murdering Zionist Israel and he lies about e.g. not raising taxes.
Imagine the interrogation of our Woodentop Prime Minister.
Question: So, are you homophobic then?
Prime Minister: Homophobia is a thought crime. No!
Question: Transphobic?
Prime Minister: No! You know I embrace the trans community.
Question: Do 0.1% of women still have a penis?
Prime Minister: Well, it may be in that ball park area.
Question: Ball park? Isn’t that a little misogynist? Not a pussy park?
Prime Minister: Right, that’s it. Call the police!
Question: Right? Would that be far right? Not left?
Prime Minister: This is ridiculous.
Question: Can men get pregnant? How?
Prime Minister: Now you’re being silly.
Question: But, I thought you were the advocate for choice.
Prime Minister: We are absolute advocates for choice.
Question: When is a genocide not a genocide?
Prime Minister: David Lammy, our Foreign Secretary has addressed these parameters.
Prime Minister: Southport? Peter Lynch?
Prime Minister: This is over. I have an appointment with Lord Ali, I mean my wife….
How gay and woke is this bloke?
Keir Starmer backs the 'thought Police' - Prime Minister told to 'police streets, not tweets' as row builds after No10 supports officers recording controversial 'non-crime hate incidents'
Farage on Southport
The real story behind the Southport murders of these 3 little girls and how @Keir_Starmer played a critical role in it.
The real story behind the Southport murders of these 3 little girls and how @Keir_Starmer played a critical role in it. This is the real reason why it's being suppressed all over the UK and why even MPs are scared to talk about it.
Sky journalist: "Russia has threatened the UK with nuclear war."
Starmer: "Yeah, but Ukraine..."
Don’t panic Mr. Mainwaring. Don’t panic!
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.
The problem is... this: Compromised?
This depends on what his Mission is...
He is Jewish and a Manchurian Candidate.
That he follows the Jewish Bullshittscript of starting WW3 before we the people have the time to organize and kick these parasites out... that is clear as crystal mmmeth... curtsy of the Rothschild Opium Cartel...
So no he isn't compromised... it is his mission to destroy the UK and all that is good and to start WW3.
Khmer Stalin Starmer Rouge Chameleon
The King can do no wrong
Excellent assessment.... and your cartoons are very fitting!