You can kill a man, but not his idea. Whether he was a good or bad man, the killing of Sinwar inspired an artwork and further anti-Zionist resistance. David Irving inspired a title.
Sin and war. What a name. Was he a brutal leader who’d been incarcerated by and turned into an asset for Israel? Or was he an authentic hero of the Palestinian cause? I saw images of particularly younger Palestinians posing for photographs in armchairs in remembrance of their perceived martyred hero.
Maajid Nawaz suggests Sinwar was an asset for Israel.
Hamas Leader & October 7 Mastermind Yahya Sinwar Killed in Battle
Images from the interwebs
I wonder if yet again Israel has inadvertently inspired even more recruits to the anti-Zionist resistance.
Despite Elon Musk having openly talked with Netanyahu about contributing toward the ‘redevelopment’ of Palestinian territory, his Twitter X continues to publish material Israel would probably prefer not be shared. For example, Patrick Henningsen states,
‘FACT: Despite the constant craven efforts to suppress the truth by Israel, its Lobby interspersed throughout the West, and operatives in mainstream media - there is a historic Palestine and a people who are Palestinians. They are the overwhelming majority of continuous inhabitants in the region spanning thousands of years to the present day, with a rich recorded culture and traditions. The great literary scholar and historian, Edward Said recounts this history in the most beautiful and eloquent way. He himself is a Palestinian.’
At the time of my publishing,
‘This video is restricted/private’
I assume Ryan Dawson will make the discussion public after his Subscribers have had first listen, and I suspect it will be relevant here.
Daniel Davis on Iran vs. Israel
Mean while, ‘Innocentocide’ continues. This term was new to me, yet said by the ‘awful, terrible, Hitler propagandist’ David Irving back in 1995. It’s a sadly appropriate term. Incredibly, this too was published on X.
The Holocaust Lie David Irving
‘There’s no doubt that the Nazis in their 12 year rule inflicted nameless horrors on large segments of the population including the Jews and other people whom they disliked… what i do question are the methods.’
46 mins
A word he makes up: Innocentocide
‘I’m not Jewish. I’m not anti-Jewish. I’m not anti-Semitic…’
Remember, Irving was defeated in a court case against Deborah Lipstadt who was funded by Les Wexner who also funded Jeffrey Epstein.
At least the collective West tried to vaccinate Palestinian children against polio before the Israelis kill them. Clown world continuum.
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.
Excellent commentary and illustrations, drawn & written
Innocentocide .... I like this word.
You can kill a man, but not his idea... true.
That is why my argument... energy from water... con never be defeated.
The Jews Freemasons and rest of the scum pray on the innocent.
That is why the true frontier of this war against spirituality is fought in the Schools and Universities where the Jews pray on the innocent.
Indoctrinating Generation after Generation against Generation.
A spiritual Revolution is what they fear most