History Incarcerated By Herstory
We have been sold a crock of historical crap down the years. Nuremberg is said to have been a court of justice held in the highest esteem. Was it?
There have been many calls for a Nuremberg 2.0 following the criminal activity of covid1984. Lies, obfuscation of the truth, censorship, back room deals and death and harm caused by policy, not a viral pandemic. There are many at large still to be held to account. However, Nuremberg was hardly an example of fair and deserved justice. History is bunk, said the car maker Henry Ford, apparently. Her story, Deborah Lipstadt’s, demanded his story, David Irving’s, be condemned as unacceptable denial.
If someone questioned the bombing of London during WWII, I might smile wryly, but I wouldn't call for their imprisonment. Sticks and stones, if nothing else. My father was evacuated from London. Bombs were dropped. In many countries there are some WWII details forbidden by law to question.
He spent 10 years researching his Hitler book. He may appear to be a tad arrogant, but he doesn’t appear to hold any colour, creed or race prejudice and I’ve listened to hours of him speaking. He is multi-lingual and has always gone to original source material; not repeated other’s work. This presentation on the Nuremberg trials is a little murky visually, but the audio is sound. Why is this material banned, censored and labelled as unacceptable? It undermines the official narrative and that narrative helps generate funds and justify the displacement of indigenous people by outside settlers.
David Irving on the Lies of the Nuremberg Trials
David Irving’s website
David Irving talking
C.2007/2008, I was painting in my Istanbul studio with BBC Radio 4 PM flagship news programme on the laptop via the internet. Edwina Currie was bemoaning the Oxford University Union hosting speakers Nick Griffin and David Irving. I knew who Griffin was, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Griffin and had vaguely heard of David Irving https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Irving. I wasn’t much interested in Griffin or his BNP, however, with hindsight I suspect I too was influenced by propaganda rather than exploring the facts and truth. I just wasn’t that interested in the BNP, but banning and censorship have always seemed futile to me. Let the disinfectant of sunshine pour upon the subject. I think I was aware David Irving had been responsible for determining the alleged Hitler diaries as fake. I knew who Edwina Currie was; the tasteless, shameless, despicable ‘egg woman’ who had a fling with the UK PM John Major and wrote about it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwina_Currie. If Currie told me the sky was blue, I’d start to question it. These years later she was horrific during covid1984, condemning anyone choosing not to get the jab. That evening Edwina Currie moaned from my laptop about the neo-Nazi Griffin and the awful Irving, a ‘holocaust denier’. She said don’t, so I decided to do.
Who is David Irving? I put my paint and pallet knife down and went to my laptop. I was there for much of the rest of the evening and discovered not just more about David Irving, but a younger Jewish man called David Cole; whose voice by the way, has an uncanny resemblance to Hollywood comedian Jerry Lewis.
What I learned that evening rather shook my world. In a nutshell, it seemed implausible to exterminate millions of humans using gas and furnaces in the given time frame. The logistics simply don’t work. Digging mass grave pits and shooting captives would be more efficient. One reason given is that fire destroys the evidence while mass graves can be found. Then there is the matter of disease, in particular typhus. Food supply issues, lack of clean water and increasingly deteriorating conditions resulted in illness and mass death.
It seemed David Irving wasn’t questioning mass slaughter, but rather the method of the slaughter. I’d grown up with and assumed the the ‘holocaust’ narrative was as told. Suddenly, aspects of that story were questionable. Even worse. I couldn’t tell anyone of my newly found suspicions because I too would then risk accusations of ‘denier’.
Other names came to my attention such as Frenchman Robert Faurisson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Faurisson, who was badly beaten by Zionist attackers.
I returned to England not only with questions about 9/11, but also with doubts about the WWII concentration camp narrative. Events led me to meet a Polish man who lived only several miles away in a village where I once attended school. He was a survivor of 5 WWII camps, including Dachau. He confirmed the infamous photos of piles of emaciated naked bodies were in fact victims of typhus. He told me how upon the liberation of his last camp, an allied plane flew over head and shot the line of liberated inmates leaving the camp. He held no truck with the Germans, but with the Americans. He said he survived because he volunteered for the typhus block and, therefore, received improved food rations.
I bought his book…
The Story Of A Polish Exile
If you read it and can find the words gas or chamber, do let me know. We had met several times and he attended two of my art exhibitions. I wanted to ask questions having finished reading his book and arranged to meet for lunch. However, he called the day before our appointment to cancel due to his feeling unwell. I am told I may have been the last person he spoke with because sadly Witold passed away shortly after our final phone call.
Other recent publications are:
The Holocaust Narrative by E. Michael Jones
The Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf
Finally, this documentary mentions the involvement of Deborah Lipstadt from the start. It’s a low budget, but well researched and called Spinning Squirrel to avoid words, names and association liable to censorship:
If we are not allowed to ask uncomfortable questions and be at liberty to revise historical accuracy and facts, we will never understand what might have really happened and continue to allow mistakes and tragedy to occur. Today we are told CO2 induced climate change is a scientific ‘done deal’. It’s not. We were told to follow the science during covid1984. We were lied to and censored. Let sunlight be upon the vampire.
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.