Claim Of Function Lab Leek
Was covid1984 a lab leak, a natural leak or was there a virus at all? There was certainly a programme of fear that convinced enough people there was a viral pandemic.
Gain of function or claim of function or fear of function. I know people who have told me they had covid1984; that it was worse or different from any other flu they’d ever had. I can recall people saying ‘there’s a really bad flu going around, worse than anything before’, in the years well before 2020. The bottom line, if the government had not told us their was a public health emergency in 2020, I doubt we would have known otherwise.
GOO : Government Of Occupation… coined by David Scott at
U7 :
They say leak, I portray a leek and yet it’s not so far from reality since vaccination via Frankenstein food products is being added to the mix.
Lettuce Pray. God, Help Us.
The gain of function lab leak theory has been openly discussed whether by Rand Paul or RFK Jr. or Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. Do viruses even exist? Do we merely imitate viruses within laboratory conditions and create synthetic sequences? If I ask such questions I risk being called a virus denier or virus kook. I watch paint and ink dry, so do not profess to be a pandemic nor biological expert, but I never wore a face nappy, never engaged in a PCR test, haven’t had a jab since last century when as a boy I trusted adults and had no fear of there being a covid9184 pandemic. Why? I guess I’ve read warnings that the powers that shouldn’t be have long planned pandemic scares and I immediately equated the concerns of a ‘Chinese virus’ with vaccinations, digital ID and the Agenda2030 climate change fear programme.
OffG’s last word on the “lab leak” theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous
‘The “lab leak” theory is in the news again. It is essentially revealed as a mainstream position now. As we always predicted it would be.’
From the comments beneath that article:
‘The minute you sign up for it they have you – because by agreeing to debate where “it” comes from you have accepted “it” – i.e. a deadly new pathogen – exists & needs to be dealt with.’
Among my favourite covid1984 commentators, and JJ Couey appears to agree, is Denis Rancourt.
There Was No Pandemic
COVID was a government assault against domestic populations
I’m following JJ Couey’s videos on Twitch. I only discovered him this year. He seems to be a voice between the viruses exist and no virus camps. He certainly makes interesting observations and discoveries, such as Pierre Kory being a witness in the George Floyd trial.
2 hour 18 mins in…
Expert Witness Testimony of the George Floyd Murder Case
‘In the midst of my turbulent COVID journey, I became the expert witness pulmonologist in the George Floyd civil case. It helped win his family a 27 million dollar judgement. We need to learn from it.’
At the end of the same JJ Couey video, at 3 hours 34 minutes. Bret Weinstein comments:
“They (the covid1984 vax) are a marvel.”
That’s the same Bret Weinstein being courted by the likes of Dr. Tess Lawrie and who recommended glasses and a bandana about the nose and mouth to provide protection against the virus. He’s supposed to be an intellectual power house. He also bemoans anti-Semitism. Tess, he’s full of crap.
In this video presentation JJ Couey analyses testimony to The People’s Vaccine Enquiry by Dr Jonathan Engler, Medical Doctor and Barrister:
Dr Jonathan Engler
JJ’s observations and comments include:
Too much oxygen can kill.
RNA can’t pandemic.
Free ranging RNA molecules is absurd.
At 57 minutes in, JJ analyses Dr. Clare Craig’s talk mentioning testing for viruses.
JJ comments:
‘How about a natural leak, a natural leak or no virus at all?’
Then comes not gain, but claim.
JJ says he was asked to contribute to an article, but declined.
Virus Origins and Gain (Claim) of Function research
JJ is referenced at the end of the lengthy article.
He comments at 1 hour 5 minutes:
‘Intentional spread of non-infectious clones:
This, in summary form, is the hypothesis of JJ Couey [here]16. We understand this hypothesis is partly inspired by the video lecture given by Dr James Giordano.’
JJ comments, ‘These are basic and ridiculous ideas being attributed to me.’
To finish, there was a story this last week about UK PM Ratty Sunake’s aide betting on the announcement of the forthcoming election. How much and to what extent do these buggers know what’s in the pipeline?
Sunak aide admits placing bet on general election
It brings to mind the allegation that Rishi Sunak, to use his correct name, invested £500 million into Moderna, pre-covid1984, via his Theleme hedge fund despite Moderna having never had a successful product before. It brings to mind the likes of former Speaker of the House in the US, Nancy Pelosi, being apparently brilliant at investing in the stock market.
8 Top Nancy Pelosi Stocks to Buy
We are being played in clown world continuum. Don’t forget to vote!
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.