Biden, The Most Popular US President Ever...
That's English sarcasm. If Biden legitimately secured >81,000,000 votes, I'm the proverbial Queen of Sheba.
I rarely if ever bet. I did put £5 at 5-1 on Trump to beat Hillary Clinton. I gave £5 to my friend to place the bet, since he knew how to. We both won £25. I followed the rallies and support for both candidates online while the BBC & co. assured us Clinton would win. If I were confident the 2024 election will be reasonably fair, I’d bet on Trump again, but I strongly suspect Biden stole the 2020 election and the Democrats appear to have little option but try to do so again.
In 2016 Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, in his investigation of corruption involving Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company, identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of over $3,000,000 from the company. Not wanting this corruption exposed, Joe Biden swung into action, using US loan guarantees as hostage while demanding Skokin be fired. Joe Biden openly bragged about intervention. Had this been Trump, he would been held to account, but the legacy media apparently want anyone but Trump.
So much energy and effort has gone into investigating Trump, yet this one clip should have been enough to impeach Biden…
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.
Demand truth. Open the F.B.I. Files since the Kennedy Assassination!