BBC Sarah Rainingtearsford Smells Blood
BBC propaganda presstitute Sarah Rain(ingtear)sford is contributing toward attempted election interference and senses she can be an influential difference. She and the BBC smell blood.
It’s bathroom radio time. BBC R4 Today goes on….
BBC license required to access:
At about 8.42am I heard Sarah Rainsford reporting from Bucharest opening with,
‘… Calin Georgescu, the far-right conspiracy theorist surged from nowhere to become the presidential front-runner with his only campaigning done on Tik-Tok… only the Romanian authorities claim it was a massive influence operation linked to Russia.’
Sarah goes on to say, ‘….. Romania first, mixed in with talk of God… to others, the prospect of President Georgescu is terrifying.’
Calin Georgescu is not going to continue supporting Ukraine. Oops! That means, he is not going to endear himself to the BBC or collective West.
Naughty Russia. BBC Media Action would never interfere in foreign nation state affairs, would it?
Juliette Harkin, former BBC Media Action Project Manager and an expert on Syria states… “we [BBC Media Action] worked in 2004 with individuals within the [Syrian] ministry who wanted change and tried to get them to be the drivers of that. All media development work that has been done within Syria has, in my opinion, been predicated upon this idea that there can be change from within – you have an authoritarian regime and you find who the reformers are within that [regime] and work with them…”
I have an artwork about that from 02.09.2018
Sarah Rainsford was reportedly in tears after being told that she was banned from Russia in October 2021.
Sarah Rainsford on Russia: 'I've been told I can't come back - ever'
Indeed, she’s written a book about it and her Twitter X identity states:
BBC Eastern Europe Correspondent. Expelled from Moscow. Now in Warsaw. Ukraine when I can. My book about all of that & more is now out
Romania's far right presidential frontrunner vows to end Ukraine aid
‘Calin Georgescu, the fringe nationalist politician leading the presidential race in Romania, has told the BBC that he would end all support for Ukraine if elected.’
By the time I’d completed the beautiful portrayal of Ms. Rainingtearsford, developments were occurring…
Romania’s Constitutional Court has ANNULLED the Country’s Presidential Election after right-wing nationalist candidate Călin Georgescu (pictured) won the First Round. Reports suggest he could be ARRESTED and BANNED from running again. This is Election Interference!
As Glenn Diesen says, ‘The people of Romania voted the wrong way.’
I had no idea about Georgescu being…
‘Former President of The club of Rome and former executive director of the United Nations, Calin Georgescu: "the Oligarchs run the United Nations and we know that they have a pedophilia system."
This is a reason why the collective West welcome the likes of the BBC and Sarah Rainingtearsford to do their bidding:
Romania To Host Largest NATO Military Base in Europe
The same morning, at about 9.10am, as I relayed the fireplace, on BBC Radio 5 Live Nicky Campbell commented on the nationwide train delays and made a side comment reassuring listeners that, ‘It’s not Putin’s people’.
Nationwide fault causes delays across rail network
They are obsessed with regimes and changing them. But, the BBC of course, remain a bastion of news and analysis excellence, don’t they?!
To the UK Column who have a slightly smaller budget than the BBC…
37.55 mins in:
Sir Kueer Stalin, ‘So never again can a tyrant like Putin attack the living standards of working people.’
Which is an excuse to include…
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.