Barron Is A Gooner
I wonder if he's a Zionist too like his dad? Arsenal have some naff supporters though. Sir Kueer Stalin for a start. Jon Bercow, Piers Morgan, Jeremy Corbyn... there's a long list.
Arsenal are called Gooners because the Tottenham Hotspurs’ Yids embraced victimhood and wanted to create what they thought was an equivalent slur for the Gunners. They decided to ‘bastardise’ the Gunners to the Gooners, but instead of taking offence, the Arsenal fans embraced the slur and today proudly call themselves Gooners. Then, there it was in The Sunday Times: 6ft 9inch Barron Trump wore an Arsenal shirt while playing football; referred to as soccer in the US.
‘He was seen knocking a ball around on the lawn, dressed in an Arsenal shirt.’
It’s a shame once ‘conservative, aristocratic’ Arsenal have gone so woke. Taking knees for Marxist racist BLM, LGBT advertising hoardings pitch side and defender Ukrainian Oleksandr Zinchenko waving his bloody Azov associated flag and ‘standing with’ Israel. Go fight for Zelensky Ole!
Talking of standing with artificial constructs, just for fun, Dan Bilzerian shares his thoughts with Piers Morgan.
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.