Arsenal 0 Palestine Won
Last night Arsenal lost at home 0-2 to West Ham when we could have finished 2023 top of the Premiership. Compared to the ethnic cleansing in Palestine, so what?
In the novel 1984, War Is Peace. Follow the rules, just as we were instructed by experts to follow the science; do not question authority and be happy in your servitude.
Yes, I get happy or sad if 22 over paid tattooed tossers chasing a bag of air win or lose. They again took a knee to BLM before the kick-off. Whoever at Arsenal, once known as a ‘conservative, aristocratic’ club, orders the decision to take a knee, they are stupidly, ignorantly, pursuing a policy of cultural Marxism. I assume Mikel Arteta must sanction this monstrous action.
Compared to the slaughter of thousands currently being inflicted by Zionist Israel upon Palestinians, what does a football match matter? Absolutely nothing. Despite being slaughtered, it is Israel who have already lost and Palestine have won. Soldier to soldier, Hamas are matching, even defeating the Israeli Defense Force and despite thousands of Palestinians being murdered, injured, captured, paraded outdoors in their underpants, the Palestinians are the winning side. Despite the captured collective West corporate media, the world sees and knows. Every Israeli can go home to Brooklyn, Poland, eastern Europe, whence ever they came. If some were born in the occupied Palestine, they can leave too. But, the Palestinians are indigenous to the land and been so for hundreds, thousands of years. In Palestine Muslims, Jews, Christians and other denominations lived peacefully despite being under British, Ottoman, Roman, Persian or other control. It is the Palestinians who have been invaded, forced out of the homes and off their land. It is the Palestinians who have the right of return and they who will ultimately remain despite the terror, the blood shed and the huge loss of life.
I hear some commentators, such as David DuByne during a recent AV presentation, state he is not picking sides; he is not being sucked into the division. He chooses peace. Codswallop. Of course we want peace knucklehead, but Israel has no desire for peace. Israel want the land known as Palestine and more. Until Israel goes, there will be no peace.
Israeli professor and author Nurit Peled Elhanan blasts the Israeli education system as racist.
Scott Ritter Slams Israel
‘The silence of the American media is deafening. The American media is standing by and allowing Israel to commit genocide… they can’t (say anything) because Israel owns them… Benjamin Netanyahu, the world’s most evil man today…. nobody cares about an American carrier battle group… it’s an irrelevant military force. Israel wants to kill Palestinians. Israel cannot win against Hamas. It’s not about defeating Hamas, it’s literally about slaughtering Palestinians. America’s sacrificing everything. We’re gonna lose.
Has Israel Already Lost?
War. What Is It Good For?
More Data On Why The Israeli Military Is Poorly Trained
So, Arsenal’s multi-millionaire multi-cultural knee-taking Marxists may have lost last night while Palestinians continued to be murdered, but Palestine has won.