Argentina’s New ZOG President Milei
He looks fun and talks an interesting talk, but they've done it again; secured a new Zionist President of regional interest and influence.
ZOG : Zionist Occupied Government
Edit 24.11.2023
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Why? Exactly what is hateful? Oh well…
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As Dr. Shiva refers to him, ‘Phucker’ Carlson has interviewed Javier Milei.
Milei won!
Javier Milei: Argentina's far-right outsider wins presidential election
But, ‘Why is a guy running for President of a country in South America wearing Israel pins and prioritising moving his country's embassy to Jerusalem?’
‘Listen to every word of this. Back in 1991, Pat Buchanan said that Congress is Israeli occupied territory and it still is today. He goes on to talk about AIPAC smearing him because he didn’t want to subsidize socialism in Israel and said that these attacks violate the spirit of the 1A. Nothing has changed, but it needs to. We give Israel $10 million per day, and they have free college and universal healthcare. The same people who want to send them another $14 billion, will also tell you that socialism sucks. Then they’ll smear you as an antisemite if you disagree with them and advocate for hate speech legislation to outlaw all criticism of a country that your tax dollars are funding.
PANDA’s Nick Hudson has noticed some within ‘our’ community being antisemitic. Dr. Malik believes in the state of Israel.
What’s a semite Nick?
Why are eastern €uropeans entitled to migrate from Poland, Germany, the US etc and displace Palestinians from their home Doc?
Am I permitted to ask or does that automatically put me in the antisemolina camp?
Chaps, Zionist Israel wants to remove Palestine from ‘the river to the sea’ and expand beyond that. It is how it is. They are currently ethnically cleansing the indigenous population. As I understand 4-5,000 children have been slaughtered. On 07 October, Israeli helicopters fired upon Israelis.
Nick and Doc Malik complain about those taking sides. I take a side. I unequivocally support the return to a full, sovereign Palestinian nation state.
Why do I unequivocally takes a side? If you have the stomach for it, here’s part of the reason…