Dr. Jay Couey : Scottish Covid1984 Murders
I always refer to covid1984. Biologist Dr. Jonathan Jay Couey went through some of the Scottish Covid1984 Inquiry testimony. His conclusion is simple: There was no pandemic. They murdered people.
I believe Scotsman Alex Mitchell was the first to be compensated £120K for losing his leg following an AstraZeneca injection. I’d be curious to see Alex talk to Dr. Jay Couey. This is Alex alongside the BBC’s Verify correspondent whom I refer to as Marijuanna Spring…
Dr. Jay contributed to RFK Jr’s book, The Wuhan Cover-Up.
He has seemingly been alienated from many of his peers and colleagues because he asks too many awkward questions and accuses too many of being complicit in or culpable of muddying the waters of what the truth might actually be. In a nutshell, he does not recognise there was a public health emergency pandemic. He believes people were murdered, whether it be Italy, New York, England or Scotland. He was angered and dismayed as he went through some of the testimony of the Scottish Covid1984 Inquiry. I have illustrated parts with simple artworks in an attempt to help highlight the appalling circumstances under which people were supposedly cared for. It’s hardly Vermeer, Rubens or even Bob, but it’s a contribution rather than not.
‘The UK media want you to watch and discuss the ongoing UK COVID inquiry but no such attention was ever given to the Scottish inquiry…’
JJ Couey has given it attention.
Scotland's Murder and 2 of Time's Top 100 Health People
The Gigaohm Biological 13 May 2024
20 mins: They just murdered people and lied about it. They were able to misconstrue the murder as evidence of spread of a pandemic.
23 mins: Patients pressured to agree to DNR notices, Do Not Resuscitate. People were not resuscitated though no such notice was in place. residents neglected and left to starve. Residents were neglected and left to starve. Relatives not told the truth about cause of death.
Article 3: Torture and degrading treatment.
Residents lacked food, water and hygiene.
29 mins: A mayor on TV offered fries and a hamburger for a transfection. Scotland was used to lie about the ‘pandemic’.
32 mins: No visits. No touch. They even prevented ‘covid positive’ residents from seeing each other.
Residents kept behind glass like a museum exhibit or prisoner.
34 mins: The doctors and nurses were lying on a daily basis. ‘Ventilator Associated Pneumonia’; VAP.
35 mins: Maximum oxygen
37 mins: They no longer use forms whereby the coroner/funeral director questions cause of death
‘My mum’s not dying of covid, she’s dying of dehydration and starvation.’
38 mins: End of life medication: midazolam and morphine.
40 mins: faked signatures on DNR orders.
42 mins: People’s heads are in the sand because Pierre Kory, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Mary Talley Bowden, Meryl Nass, Kevin McKernan, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones… are all in some big club supported by weaponised piles of money that control social media to make sure nobody ever realises they murdered people in 2020 and misconstrued that as an up-coming crisis. These people at the Scottish Covid Enquiry were ignored. These were the real censored people, not Bret Weinstein.
44 mins: Hiding and lying about murder. These people were a weight upon the system.
46 mins: Dr. Jay Couey: ‘I apologise for not waking up earlier.’
‘An 83 year old man from a nursing home was disposable.’
‘It felt like visiting animals in a zoo. Don’t touch! Don’t touch! Don’t go near them! These were my parents.’
48 mins: There was a difference between the language and the reality.
Window visits.
52 mins: Instead of talking about isolation, purification, viral culture…. for hours on end, how about, ‘No! They are murdering people!’
54 mins: You don’t whistle blow on the slavers, you don’t whistle blow on weaponised piles of money, you don’t whistle blow while you’re climbing a ladder…
55 mins: They’re talking about vaccine injury rather than transfection injury. Any student who suspects an adverse condition from the shots forced upon them by universities should seek recompense from the university.
58 mins: Beware those who push out the same old stuff; spike proteins, gain of function, amyloidosis (I think he said; what’s this?), oh, it’s hurting the mitochondria… nobody seems to talk about the lipo-nanoparticle before this was known to have really bad consequences once it was in the wrong pH.
1 hr 1min: Dr. Jay Couey ‘takes out’ Doc. Malik e.g. ‘softball questions to Robert Malone.’
Ned comment: Dr. Jay Couey is critical of many held in high esteem by others e.g. The UK Column have hosted some of those in Dr. Couey’s crosshairs. I have supported UKC from their outset and continue to support and value their work. I am merely reporting my observations and challenge anyone to challenge Dr. Couey on his knowledge of biology.
1 hr 10 mins: Patients weren’t just numbers, yet treated like a statistic. Their bodies were discarded like toxic waste; no human rights, power of attorney discarded, illegal DNRs, isolation, starvation, untreated urinary tract infections, untreated bacterial pneumonia… and the likes of Jay Bhattacharya say nothing. There is no data to support the idea of a novel spreading pathogen. There’s a lot of data to support that there were a lot of bad ideas spreading around, including ways to increase all cause mortality i.e. murder people.
That’s the Scotland segment finished.
This just about sums it up:
During a UK parliament debate on ‘assisted dying’ aka assisted murder,
Kit Malthouse says the quiet part out loud - the sponsor of Kim Leadbeater's assisted suicide Bill suggests that legalising assisted suicide would save the NHS the cost of expensive treatment for dying people. He maintains that current support for the terminally ill is "costing the taxpayer". The cat is well and truly out of the bag!
Dr. Jay Couey continues to analyse other material.
1 hr 19 mins: Long covid. There is an issue with chronic fatigue syndrome going back to the 80’s and 90’s. Is long covid merely an observation of symptoms that have long been applied to what’s long been referred to as CFS?
1 hr 24 mins: those with long covid were injected, but did not have their full dosage i.e. they are not up to date with their shots.
1 hr 33 mins: Bird flu. Don’t drink raw milk? I drink raw milk!
1 hr 59 mins: Ed Yong received his Pulitzer prize for explanatory reporting for a series on the covid19 pandemic in the Atlantic magazine. Cue the face nappy wearing ‘expert’.
‘These last few years have been brutal for many of us…’
2 hr 2 mins: Ed Yong: ‘An estimated 40,000 novel viruses lurk in the bodies of the world’s mammals and as the earth’s climate changes, those species are being forced to move into new territories… and exchanging viruses as they do.’
Pulitzer Plonker
From UK Column 24 January 2024
‘If you want to watch a masterclass in authenticity, courage, professionalism sincerity look no further. Charlet Crichton giving witness evidence at Covid Inquiry and putting Hugo (he should go) in his place.’
Some links and videos saved while planning to publish this post.
Vaccinated (60%) vs Unvaccinated (2.64%)
Health Basics: Top 10 reasons to AVOID ALL VACCINES
Dr. Mike Yeadon: Silver Bullet
The UK Covid (Less) Inquiry (More of a White-Wash) Module 4 hearings
I sent Alex this portrait. He and his friend John ‘Bring The Noise’ Watt have been stalwarts in challenging the government to recognise and support the transfection injured.
As a wag once said,
‘The artist must go very far, so that the ordinary man will go far enough. Arsenal!’
‘There are few things more dishonourable than misleading the young.’
Thomas Sowell
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.